This article have as an objetive to understand how the Regional Identity was built in the book Sertanílias: Romance de Cavalaria, by Elomar Figueira Mello. Furthermore, we will check the author's creative intellection and memories, via self-fiction, with the intention of better interpreting the Sertão Profundo, given that this expression woven by Elomar enables a backwoods between space-time boundaries through the bias of the fantastic and is based on the structures of the super-regionalism. As an investigative methodology to enter the Elomarian construct, we will make inroads around the rider-cowboy, Sertano; Elomar, as a fictional element; and, of some fantastic elements that show the mainstay of the fictionalized sertão in the work under analysis. Intending to reflect on the elements now cited, this study will dialogue with theorists who deal with the principles of identity, regionalism, fantastic, self-fiction, memory and concepts relevant to critical fortune, notably: Bauman (2005), Bhabha (1998), Candido (1989), Albuquerque Júnior (2011), Todorov (2014), Prelorentzou (2017), Nora (1993) and others.
Keywords: Regional Identity. Sertanílias. Sertão Profundo.
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