Development of Elementary School’s reading
literacy through poems
Reading, Poem, Literary literacy, TeachingAbstract
This work addresses discussions about the need to practice reading in the classroom, literary literacy and its role in the development of reading in childhood, as well as the importance of literary texts in this process, with emphasis on the poem genre. It also presents the result of a work proposal in which reading practices were developed based on the literary genre poem, applied with 5th grade students in a public school. Among the theoretical bases that support this research, the studies by Aguiar and Bordini (1988), Cosson (2021), Kleiman (2016), Lerner (2002), Miguez (2009) and Pinheiro (2018) stand out. The children involved in this research felt encouraged to read and improve their reading ability through the playfulness and enchantment that the poem genre provides.
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