Professionally-oriented tasks in the formation of competencies in the field of students’ research activities
Research activities of students, Competencies, Professionally-oriented tasks, TourismAbstract
Due to the introduction and implementation of the requirements of the third-generation Federal State Educational Standards, the importance of students' involvement in research activities during their studies has increased. Currently, special importance in the higher education system is given to the issues related to the organization of such work with students. Having mastered the principal educational program, graduates should be ready to carry out professional activities in the field of applied research, as well as to solve various research tasks. To do this, the graduates must have a certain set of competencies, formed in various ways and methods in the course of professional training. One of the best ways to form competencies both in the field of future profession and research activities is professionally-oriented tasks. As a rule, such tasks are offered to students starting from the first year. Gradually, the level of complexity of the tasks increases, and to solve such tasks, senior-year students need knowledge across multiple disciplines. The article presents a list of academic disciplines, whose study using various forms can train and develop various competencies, including research ones. Universities regularly involve students in research work. However, at present, an appropriate pedagogically sound system of continuous involvement of students in this work is required.
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