A compilation on the application dimension of creative drama and bibliotherapy method in education
Creative drama, Bibliotherapy, Education, StudentAbstract
Creative drama and bibliotherapy are among the most frequently mentioned methods in the field of education recently. The applicability of Creative Drama as a method in many areas is revealed by different studies, and bibliotherapy is becoming widespread as an effective method, especially in the fields of Guidance and Psychological Counseling, Psychology and Psychiatry. From this point of view, the objective of this study is to synthesize and display the importance and field of application of these two methods through different studies and to contribute to the formation of a perspective as regards the usage of these methods by educators. For this purpose, a review was prepared by examining the studies on creative drama and bibliotherapy. Descriptive survey method was used in the research. National and international literature was surveyed and the articles obtained as a result of the research were evaluated and interpreted in general.
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