Preservation of the intangible cultural heritage through the implementation of additional general education programs in the field of fine arts
Academic art, Folk crafts, Teacher, Arts and crafts, Children’s art schoolsAbstract
The problem of preserving the traditions of academic art and folk culture as part of the intangible cultural heritage of the country is becoming more urgent every year. One of the solutions to this problem is the transfer of knowledge and technology using additional general education programs. Implementation of additional general education programs reveals the practical possibilities of children’s creativity and shows the effectiveness of forms and methods for preserving the intangible cultural heritage through the practical development of techniques and technologies of artistic creation by children, which are based on academic or folk traditions. This, in the authors’ opinion, introduces the scientific novelty of this study. The theoretical basis of pedagogical mastery is studied and the need for a competency-based approach in the implementation of additional education programs on the example of the experience of children’s art schools is shown. In addition, the study substantiates the need for the effective construction of educational and methodological support for educational programs, the actualization and development of teacher’s competencies, as well as the preservation and development of methods containing the basic principles and technologies of the academic foundations of fine arts and folk crafts. Proposals to organize support for the implementation of additional general education programs in the field of fine and decorative arts and folk crafts are made.
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