The evaluation of the contents of pre-school books for 4 - 6 years according to the visual design items


  • Burak Demir Department of Education Programs and Teaching, Near East University, Turkey.
  • Seçil Besim Ayhan Department of Preschool Teaching, Near East University, Turkey.
  • Yücehan Yücesoy Department of Classroom Teaching, Near East University, Turkey.
  • Şebnem Güldal Kan Department of Preschool Teaching, Near East University, Turkey.
  • Behçet Öznacar Department of Classroom Teaching, Near East University, Turkey.



4-6 ages preschool books, Education, Visual design


Pre-school books are one of the indispensable materials of education life, even though technology has been developed, preschool books are still among the fundamental building blocks of education and it can be said that it will continue in the future. Preschool teachers' evaluation of 4-6 year old preschool books for Visual Design principles was aimed by pre-school teacher candidates. In the study, "Graphic / Visual Design Principles Scale for Textbooks" Alpan (2004), which is a visual design scale, was used. The scoring of the scale was calculated as 2 points for the "Yes" option, 1 point for the "Partial" option and 0 points for the "No" option. The data obtained as a result of the research were evaluated by scoring between 1-10. According to the results obtained from the results of the evaluation of the prospective teachers, it has been concluded that the books have different averages according to the scale dimensions, but are quite suitable in terms of general lines.


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Author Biographies

Burak Demir, Department of Education Programs and Teaching, Near East University, Turkey.


Seçil Besim Ayhan, Department of Preschool Teaching, Near East University, Turkey.


Yücehan Yücesoy, Department of Classroom Teaching, Near East University, Turkey.


Şebnem Güldal Kan, Department of Preschool Teaching, Near East University, Turkey.


Behçet Öznacar, Department of Classroom Teaching, Near East University, Turkey.



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How to Cite

Demir, B., Ayhan, S. B., Yücesoy, Y. ., Kan, Şebnem G., & Öznacar, B. (2021). The evaluation of the contents of pre-school books for 4 - 6 years according to the visual design items. Revista Tempos E Espaços Em Educação, 14(33), e15971.



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