
  • Roberta Tiburcio Barbosa Universidade Estadual da Paraíba



Interculturality;, Eliana Alves Cruz;, Nada digo de ti que em ti não veja.


The sociocultural agencies point to the multiple activities of disputes and (re)negotiations between political subjects. Literature is one of those spaces in which diverse demands transit and interconnect. Nowadays, black literary production, especially with regard to texts written by women, has been questioning certain hegemonic assumptions that are markers of hierarchies between social groups. Eliana Alves cruz is one of the black Brazilian writers who have emerged in the contemporary world, presenting demands for rights and visibility for the potential of black people. Known for her historical novels, the author brought in 2020 another narrative that operates to destabilize the centers of socio-historical domination, by highlighting the trajectories of struggles and subversions of black characters in slavery Brazil in the 18th century. In this sense, through bibliographical research, we will seek to discuss the processes of interculturality and affirmation of black subjectivities manifested in Eliane Alves Cruz's novel I say nothing about you that I don't see in you (2020). The alterity processes inscribed in the historical novel in focus, especially those in which the role of the protagonist of the plot – the transgender black woman Vitória – is analyzed, show the resistance and confrontation of black communities in the face of systems of oppression.


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How to Cite

TIBURCIO BARBOSA, Roberta. INTERCULTURAL DIALOGUES IN NADA DIGO DE TI QUE EM TI NÃO VEJA. Travessias Interativas, São Cristóvão-SE, v. 12, n. 25, p. 272–280, 2022. DOI: 10.51951/ti.v12i25.p272-280. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 dec. 2024.