Origins and challenges of gender studies centers in higher education in NorthERN and Northeastern Brazil


  • Maria Eulina Pessoa de Carvalho
  • Alejandra Montané-Lopez
  • Glória Rabay
  • Adenilda Bertoldo Alves de Morais
  • Mayanne Julia Tomaz Freitas



In higher education, interdisciplinary gender studies centers deconstruct traditional androcentric positivist academic knowledge, making it possible to apply the gender perspective to all objects of knowledge. However, they suffer from insufficient recognition and weak institutionalization in Brazilian academia. This paper focuses on the trajectories of the gender studies centers affiliated to the North/Northeast Gender Studies Feminist Network (REDOR), and of their founders. The analysis is based on documentary data and biographical and autobiographical narratives. The histories of the centers and women intertwine personal and institutional dimensions: the involvement with feminist studies influenced their personal and professional lives; many of them suffered from prejudice and discrimination for researching gender; practically all of them continue their activism within the universities in order to sustain their centers. The research was supported by CNPq and Capes grants.

Keywords: Gender studies centers. Higher education. Feminist academics. REDOR/Brazil.





Como Citar

Pessoa de Carvalho, M. E., Montané-Lopez, A., Rabay, G., Bertoldo Alves de Morais, A., & Tomaz Freitas, M. J. (2017). Origins and challenges of gender studies centers in higher education in NorthERN and Northeastern Brazil. Revista Tempos E Espaços Em Educação, 10(21), 163–176.



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