Ensino remoto emergencial na educação básica brasileira e portuguesa: a perspectiva dos docentes
Secondary Education, Emergency Remote Education, COVID-19, Teacher Digital CompetenceAbstract
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has led to the closure of schools around the world. Ministries, state governments, public and private bodies were suddenly forced to convert the entire educational process in order to seek that millions of students continue their training processes from their homes. From face-to-face, it transited to online, in the form of remote emergency teaching, and challenged teachers to rethink methodologies and pedagogical practices, in an attempt to develop learning situations in digital environments. This article, based on an exploratory analysis, seeks to understand how this transition from face-to-face to digital regime was carried out in Portuguese and Brazilian basic education, namely with regard to the preparation of both teachers and their schools. The answers obtained through the application of a questionnaire survey to 300 teachers allowed a perception of similarities and differences in the approach to promoting quality education in times of a pandemic.
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