Accessibility for deaf students to enter and remain in higher education: presentation of an educational product
Booklet, Education, Deaf peopleAbstract
The Brazilian Sign Language - LIBRAS is the legal means of communication and expression of the deaf community in Brazil. Knowing this, the government, through educational institutions, must ensure that access to information for these people is not compromised by the lack of information materials in their language and that they receive the necessary information both for admission and for their stay in the country. school environment until the completion of their courses, without communication barriers that prevent them from continuing their studies. This article aims to present the educational product entitled “Inclusion and Accessibility for the Deaf Student at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Pará -IFPA”. It is an accessible booklet in Libras, with information that aims to facilitate the understanding of deaf people about the modalities of courses, forms of offer and admission to the Federal Institute of Pará-IFPA and about the assistance for deaf students carried out by the Nucleus Service for People with Specific Educational Needs-NAPNE of the aforementioned institute. For the construction of this material, documentary research was carried out in the main documents of the institution, in order to appropriate what the IFPA offers to deaf students within the documents that guide its accessibility policy. The elaborate educational product presents itself as an excellent tool for disseminating the IFPA, and may contribute to the increase in demand for deaf students by the institution and other audiences that can be reached by this material.
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