Bejú material culture and curriculum proposition in early childhood education in the bragantina Amazon, state of Pará, Brazil


  • Rogerio Andrade Maciel Universidade Federal do Pará, Bragança, Pará, Brasil.
  • Franciele de Almeida Magalhães Universidade Federal do Pará, Bragança, Pará, Brasil.
  • Vitor Sousa Cunha Nery Universidade do Estado do Amapá, Macapá, Amapá, Brasil.



Cultural artifacts. Curriculum in Early Childhood Education. History of Education.


This article aimed to discuss the material culture of Bejú and the fabric of the Early Childhood Education curriculum. Methodologically, the New Cultural History Approach was used and the data analysis was operated by the ways of doing in Certeau (2014). The results show the material culture of bejú through the following objects: cassava; the machete; the machete; the wheelbarrow; the buckets; the canoe; the catitu; the drain; the pan; the tipiti; the Sari; the Sieve; the oven; the squeegee; the basketball; and sororoca leaves. Thus, based on the results, it is a fact that the proposition of the Early Childhood Education curriculum, is mediated through teaching practices of storytelling; conversation wheels; paintings; games; drawings stimulate the imagination of children in the Bragantina Amazon, State of Pará, Brazil.


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Author Biographies

Rogerio Andrade Maciel, Universidade Federal do Pará, Bragança, Pará, Brasil.

PhD in Education from the Postgraduate Program in Education, in the line of Education, Culture and Society (PPGED/ICED/UFPA/2019). He works as a professor at the Federal University of Pará/Campus Universitário de Bragança and in the Postgraduate Program in Languages ​​and Knowledge in the Amazon (PPLSA), in the line of Education, Languages ​​and Interculturality in the Amazon. Associate of the Brazilian Society of History of Education - (SBHE). Leader of the Interdisciplinary Center for Research in the History of Education and Curriculum in the Amazon (NIPHECA). Researcher at the Study and Research Group on Youth and Adult Education and Diversity in the Amazon - (GUEAJA).

Franciele de Almeida Magalhães, Universidade Federal do Pará, Bragança, Pará, Brasil.

Acadêmica do Curso de Licenciatura em Pedagogia (2017).  Foi bolsista do Programa de Apoio ao Doutor Pesquisador (PRODOUTOR) pela Universidade Federal do Pará/Campus Universitário de Bragança (2020-2021). Atualmente sou integrante do Núcleo Interdisciplinar de Pesquisa em História da Educação e Currículo na Amazônia (NIPHECA).

Vitor Sousa Cunha Nery, Universidade do Estado do Amapá, Macapá, Amapá, Brasil.

Doutor em EDUCAÇÃO na Linha de Educação, Cultura e Sociedade (PPGED-UFPA, 2021). Atualmente atua como Professor efetivo na Universidade do Estado do Amapá (UEAP) e no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ensino de História (Prof-História/UNIFAP). Líder do Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas em Educação na Amazônia Amapaense (GEPEA-UEAP). Integrante da Rede de Pedagogias Decoloniais da Amazônia. Membro da Cátedra Paulo Freire da Amazônia. Associado a Sociedade Brasileira de História da Educação - SBHE.


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How to Cite

Maciel, R. A., Magalhães, F. de A., & Nery, V. S. C. (2024). Bejú material culture and curriculum proposition in early childhood education in the bragantina Amazon, state of Pará, Brazil. Revista Tempos E Espaços Em Educação, 17(36), e19866.



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