Black women's writing in textbooks: written or outcast?
Black female authors. Literature in High School. Textbooks. PNLD Textbook.Abstract
The aim of this article is to investigate whether and how the textbooks in the collection Português: Linguagens (High School, 1, 2 and 3 volumes) by William Roberto Cereja and Thereza Cochar Magalhães (2010, 2013) deal with black female authorship, whether or not they comply with the standards established in the National Common Curriculum Base (BNCC) and the National Education Guidelines and Bases Laws (LDB). The justification for this investigation is due to the lack of black female authorship in textbooks, which disregard the literary productions of these women and, consequently, their importance for the formation of literature readers. The theoretical framework of this study is based on Lobo (2011), Job (2015) and S. R. P. Santos (2014) and the methodological basis is bibliographical and analytical, which made it possible to describe, analyze and criticize the data extracted through exploratory and analytical reading of the literary texts published in the textbooks. The data from the survey of authors in the textbook Português: Linguagens showed that there is a discrepancy between the number of male and female authors in the collection, with emphasis on the obvious erasure of female authorship, especially black authors, underlining the relevance of this study.
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