Diagnosis of socio-environmental problems experienced by municipal managers





Environmental Education, Municipal management, Public policies, Socio-environmental conflicts


Environmental Education (EE) is a fundamental practice for human and environmental development and should be integrated into both formal and non-formal settings. To achieve this, inclusive public policies capable of addressing issues in their full social, environmental, political, and economic context are necessary. This study investigated the implementation of EE projects by public management in a municipality in the interior of Paraná, focusing on understanding the interactions between local socio-environmental issues and EE practices. The research, of a qualitative and exploratory nature, used document analysis and focus groups with municipal public managers for data collection. The results showed that the majority of EE projects implemented in the municipality were aligned with a conservative political-pedagogical macro-trend, lacking projects with a critical and emancipatory perspective. This finding highlights the need for more inclusive public policies capable of addressing socio-environmental complexities in their integral context, considering environmental, cultural, and social aspects of local reality. The study suggests that a critical and participatory approach to EE can significantly contribute to inclusive human and environmental development in local communities, promoting effective changes in the relationship between society and the environment, ensuring sustainability and environmental justice.


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Author Biography

Ana Lucia Suriani Affonso, State University of Central West (Unicentro)

Doctor in Science (UFSCar), professor in the Department of Biological Sciences and the Graduate Program in Natural Science Teaching at the State University of Central West (Unicentro).


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How to Cite

Dall’Agnol Triacca, S., & Suriani Affonso, A. L. (2024). Diagnosis of socio-environmental problems experienced by municipal managers. Revista Sergipana De Educação Ambiental, 11, 1–20. https://doi.org/10.47401/revisea.v11.21759



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