Análise de processo participativo em um Programa de Educação Ambiental sob a ótica da Complexidade e da Aprendizagem Social




Complexity; environmental education; protected areas; social learning


The main objective of this work is to analyze the elaboration of the Environmental Education Program of the APAs Corumbataí-Piracicaba (PEA-APAs), under the theoretical framework of Social Learning (SL) and complexity. We followed the meetings of the Technical Chamber of Environmental Education and Communication, featuring participatory research. Data was collected through recordings of meetings, minutes and official documents. We analyzed the data using the NVivo software based on the complexity and dimensions of AS: action, reflection, communication, negotiation and participation, in order to draw relationships between the two theoretical references. The results showed that the process of preparing the PEA-APAs was collaborative and dialogued, showing large complex networks of knowledge and actions, also covering the dimensions of AS. We conclude that SL and complexity are complementary and extremely important to support collaborative management processes in conservation units.


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How to Cite

Formenton, N., & Louro Ferreira Silva, R. (2024). Análise de processo participativo em um Programa de Educação Ambiental sob a ótica da Complexidade e da Aprendizagem Social. Revista Sergipana De Educação Ambiental, 11, 1–23.



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